Clearing the Opengraph (:og) Caches from Social Media

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Social Media Opengraph Image

You may notice that when you copy and paste links into a social network, often a preview of the link shows up.  This can include a title, image and/or a description.  These are set with Opengraph meta tags.  If you don’t have these configured, the social network will often choose by its “best guess” on what to use.

However, lets say you did set the og meta tags, or even change them, but to your surprise, when pasting a link in the old information still shows up!  Well, this is due to each platform’s caching policies.  They store information on links for sometimes up to 30 days.

You can manually trigger a fresh scraping of your Opengraph data however, by using these links:

Links to Clear Opengraph on Social media sites





If this seems daunting, Atomic Coffee Media is here to help!

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